I Follow No Religion At All
My very dear friend,
Being born in a Hindu family, when I say that I now follow Jesus Christ, most people think that I changed my religion. But it is not that I left one religion and joined another. In fact, I follow no religion at all! I follow my beloved loving Lord Jesus Christ, who is so real and intimate and personal to me, who is portrayed in the pages of the Bible, who divided history into BC and AD, and who was crucified for my sins and rose up on the 3rd day, who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can come to the Father except through Me” (John. 14: 6), and who is going to come again according to the exact fulfillment of Biblical prophecies.
I do not follow the so-called ‘Christian’ religion you see today, which is corrupt with innumerous nauseating traditions, as any other religion. Beyond all ‘Christian’ traditions and rituals, if one goes purely into the Word of God (the Bible), one can easily understand that the Lord Jesus Christ has founded no religion at all. He had a number of followers committed to Him in repentance and faith. Afterwards these followers proclaimed to others of the transforming power of their Saviour in any person’s life, if he repents of his sins and commits his life to Jesus. Thus more and more people were added to their fellowship.
But history tells us that Christianity degenerated into a religion only after AD 300, when the Roman emperor Constantine accepted Christianity as a religion without any repentance, and the people of his empire imitated him in order to please him, thereby beginning to bring numerous nauseating traditions and rituals (in “Christian whitewash”), which are not at all found in the Bible.
But throughout all these centuries, there has been a small remnant of people scattered all over the earth, who follow Jesus in true repentance and faith according to the Bible. And they alone are ‘Christians’ in God’s sight. So now there is no real question of religious conversion on the basis of material benefits, since the Bible itself is totally against that.
But all over the world, everyone (irrespective of their religion) who truly repents of his sins from the heart and entrusts his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, believing that it was for “my” sins that Jesus died on the Cross, is sure to experience true joy and peace unlike what he has experienced ever before, because he has now come in touch with the only true and living God. Yes, real Christianity is not a religion at all, but a way of life – a real day- to-day love- relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Bible itself says that when Jesus comes again He will surely judge those who made money in the name of religion and God (Revelation 17 & 18).
All religions including the so-called ‘Christianity’ today say that we must do good works and be holy in order to reach God. But Jesus alone says that we are incapable in ourselves to do goodness unselfishly and to be totally holy within, because we are lost in sin. If we are just honest to ourselves, we all have deliberately and indeliberately proved unfaithful to our conscience in attitudes, motives, thoughts, words and deeds. It is our punishment of eternal hell-fire for these sins, which Jesus, out of love for us, bore on the Cross of Calvary, believing which and repenting of our sins, we can enjoy eternal life with Him!
My dear friend, I am not at all here for any debates or arguments. It is simply a waste of time, because one can realize one’s need for a Redeemer only when one becomes honest before the omniscient Creator God that one is lost in sin. No argument can accomplish this. I do not want to offend anyone’s sentiments deliberately!
But I am always glad to answer any genuine question from a seeking heart. “And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29: 13)! May God bless you richly!!!
hello bro. sandeep..
ReplyDeletegreat to see such a good blog
site. i really praise god for
ur contagious devotion and
commitment to christ.. u do make
me jealous of u!! :)
ur bro in christ
dear bro in christ, i would totally agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI think the 'New Testament' is the one and only hope for the mankind.
ReplyDeleteOnly Jesus (through "New Testament") can save the humanity.
ReplyDeleteIt is refreshing to see a fellow-kollamite blogging on Christian themes. God bless
ReplyDeleteHi Sandeep, good to see you live in Christ. I was expecting a blog on your conversion. May be I can expect that soon !!?
ReplyDeletesandeep it's good you have learned lot of things, do little more research and it will be revealed to you, meditate on Mathew 7:7 ask it will given unto you, the real kingdom of god is righteousness,peace, joy in holy spirit and if you want to know the what are the fruits of holy spirit read gal 5:22, i am trying to understand the actual translation of many words like "the word "hell" is used with a different meaning to describe the Hebrew word Sheol (greek hades),in this case it means,not the place of eternal punishment but the place of dead.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are absolutely under the right track and it should be Christ in us not Christianity,the rulers of the world have spoiled lot of the truth and it's still happening everywhere,look for example the caste system in India, their ancestors profession became a caste how foolish.
anyways pray for me god bless you.
jesus christ s not a religion..its a reality..which every man needs to come in touch with..
ReplyDeletepray 4 me dear brother that im not lost..