Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jesus' Voice (Part 3)

Jesus’ Voice --Part 3

1) “If we keep our hearts attuned to the voice of the Lord by being filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord will always have a word of encouragement or guidance or correction or rebuke in our daily path of life”.

2) “When you are concentrated on bringing delight to the heart of the Lord Jesus alone through your one small life on this earth, the praises as well as the ridicule of men will count for nothing to you!”

3) “Only a man walking closely to the Lord can ‘nip’ even a small blemish of unChristlikeness ‘in the bud’in his life. Other people will realize the same sin in their own lives only when it has grown into a huge ‘tree’!”

4) “What greater privilege a mere creature can have than having a close two-way communion and fellowship with the Creator Himself!”

5) “A revelation of ‘how much the Lord has suffered literal hell as the punishment for ‘my’ sins on the cross of Calvary’ can keep a person really humble.”

6) “Unfortunately the Lord often finds it easier to teach us some spiritual lessons after our failures, just because that is the time the Lord can find us humblest! But how sad if we cannot learn from the Lord even through failures because of our listening to the condemning voice of the devil!”

7) “When the Lord points out any unChristlikeness in our life, first acknowledge it before the Lord humbly and gratefully, instead of justifying it or struggling to overcome it ourselves. This simple honesty before the Lord is the way by which we can walk in the light and be cleansed from all sin (1 John 1: 7)”.

8) “The increasing spiritual growth of a child of God will delight the heart of a real spiritual father; then how much more the heart of his heavenly Father…..!”

9) “We will really begin to see the wretchedness and filthiness of the tremendous pride and self-centeredness in us, only when we really begin to walk with the Lord and value fellowship with Him above anything else!”

10) “Testifying what the Lord has done in us and through us is one thing; but doing the same without touching His glory is quite another thing; and here lies the test of our real humility!”

11) “You cannot ‘feed’ the ‘flock’ of the Lord with anything you like, because they are ‘the flock of His possession’ (Micah 7:14); so speak to them from the Word only what the Lord wants you to!”

12) “The more mature you become spiritually, the more childlike you will become in the purity of heart and innocence of character!”

13) “The more rest and peace you enjoy in your heart, the more effectively you will fight the spiritual battle against the devil and his forces!”

14) “The prouder we become, the more pitiably the Lord has to allow us to fall, so that we may realize our nothingness and become humble!”

15) “One of reasons why the Lord wants us to pray for others is that we become more and more selfless as a by-product of genuine intercession!”

16) “It is not in an easy chair, but in the busy circumstances of daily life that we discover whether we value the sweet fellowship with Jesus!”

17) “If you are more eager for the fellowship with your fellow brothers and sisters than having personal fellowship with Jesus, then there is something wrong with your spirituality!”

18) “When the Lord Jesus looks from heaven at our currency notes, He sees them as mere papers to be used. (That was how He considered money when He lived here on earth also). When the real Spirit of heaven, that is the Holy Spirit, fills our hearts, we will also likewise see money!”

19) “The reason why we get so easily irritated with people and circumstances even inwardly, is that we are so big in our own eyes and we think we deserve to be treated far better than how it is now!”

20) “When you are connected to Jesus Christ, you will always seek to connect others with Him; on the other hand, if you are more connected to an organization than to Jesus Christ, you will always seek to connect others with that organization than to Jesus Christ!”

21) “The secret behind having a fruit-bearing life is to fall before the Lord and die to oneself, especially to the desire for honour and money (John 12 : 24). God is all the more excited to bring really needy people in touch with such a person, because he/she dare not touch His glory through their ministry!”

22) “The more you are committed to the Lord, the more intimate you will be with Him; and the more intimate you are with the Lord, the more committed you need to be in order to retain that intimacy!”

23) “The world is full of people desperately thirsting for some words of love, encouragement, appreciation and comfort, or at least a smile of love and compassion…. When the Lord sends such people to you, would you be quenching their thirst or aggravating it?”

24) “The smaller we become in our own eyes, the larger will our heart become to love and forgive everyone!”

25) “Only a person who really knows the Lord personally and intimately can lead others also to such a relationship with Him.”

26) “When high thoughts about yourselves gush into your mind, smell the danger of spiritual pride, and rush to the bosom of the beloved Lord Jesus to confess: ‘I am a nobody, Lord, but for Your blood which cleansed my wretched past by Your mercy, and for Your Spirit who transformed into Your likeness by Your grace!....’ ”

27) “Blessed is the man who, even when he ascends to loftier and loftier spiritual heights, can still consider himself to be a wretched sinner saved by the grace of God alone! (1Tim.1: 15)”

28) “The most effective and efficient way of doing a work, spiritual or secular, is simply doing it in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ!”

29) “Greater patience has no one than that of the Lord Jesus who seeks to transform us, bearing up with all our innumerous infirmities and repeated failures! Hence what excuse do we have in being not patient with our fellow-beings?”

30) “Wisest is the man who does not depend on his own wisdom, but seeks the Lord’s guidance in each and everything; because “Christ Jesus has become to him wisdom from God” (1 Cor. 1:30)”.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Jesus' Voice (Part 2)

Jesus’ Voice (Part 2)

1) “Lord Jesus desires that our sole desire in life will always be for a deeper fellowship with Himself. Then whatever we think, say or do, even our service for the Lord will only be a part of that personal, intimate love relationship with Him – an ongoing quiet two-way conversation with Jesus all the time….. !”

2) “Our daily life can never be more exciting, thrilling, joyful and peaceful than when lived together with the Lord Jesus Christ!”

3) “How blessed it is if we can always be channels for Jesus’ love to flow out and bring blessing and healing to the surrounding ones!”

4) “If we value fellowship with the Lord Jesus as precious as ‘the merchant valued the finest pearl’ and ‘the man valued the hidden treasure in the field’ (Mtt. 13: 44-46), we would be so careful not to lose hold of the sweetness of His fellowship even for a moment!”

5) “It is the prayer of a man who is wholly set apart for Himself which the Lord always eagerly listens to” (Psalms 4: 3).

6) “The Lord always prospers all the endeavours of that man (Psalm 1:3), who, instead of receiving his inputs from the world (verse 1), always listens to the Lord Jesus (who is the Word which became flesh –verse 2) through the Holy Spirit (streams of living water --verse 3)”.

7) “Never seek to impose your views and opinions on any other person, but while sharing them with others, tell the Lord: “Reveal Yourself to them, Lord, through my words”.

8) “Jesus desires that even our sacrifices for Him must never be from a reluctant, struggling heart, but should be spontaneous, loving responses to His voice to do something or to do away with something that might otherwise hinder our deeper fellowship with Him”.

9) “If your delight is in the Lord alone, then He will fulfill the deepest longing of your heart to be completely His!” (Psalm 37: 4).

10) “Woe to you if you desire fame or popularity for your ‘godliness’!”

11) “If we are satisfied with something less than the Lord’s very best in anything, we are literally binding the Lord’s hands with our UNBELIEF”.

12) “Just as we would be taken up with the Lord Jesus alone in heaven, we should be taken up with Him alone and want to obey and please Him alone here on this earth --- this is the essence of praying ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ (Matthew 6:10)”.

13) “The commandments of Jesus are all ‘a big fascinating, admirable, impractical theory’ for a person without the continual fullness of the Holy Spirit!”

14) “The Lord wants us to be so weak in ourselves, that we can do nothing of our own. Then only can Jesus alone become our only strength and all in all!” (2 Cor. 12: 9, 10).

15) “Every time our open our mouth to share the Word of God, this must be our confidence: ‘Hear now what the Lord is saying’!” (Micah 6:1a).

16) “Encounter with a truly Christlike person will always be a potent stimulus for all sincere people to come close to the Lord!”

17) “Are you praying for a person to get saved so that you can boast later: ‘He/she was saved through ME’, or are you praying unselfishly just because you want him/her to be saved from eternal destruction and to enjoy the blessedness you are enjoying now as God’s child?”

18) “If we are taken up with anything or anyone other than the Lord Jesus Himself, even if it be something ‘spiritual’, that will blunt the sharpness of the sensitivity of our heart to sense what the Lord has to tell us”.

19) “It is not what we have done for the Lord that is of value in eternity, but what the Lord has done in us and through us!”

20) “The only real compulsion in the Christian life is the compulsion of the love of Christ” (2 Cor.5:14).

21) “Give yourselves totally to the Lord Jesus to be bound by the strong cords of His love, so that ‘you can no longer do anything apart from Him’!” (John 15:5).

22) “The Holy Spirit desires to fill us in such a way that we become more conscious of the presence of Jesus than the persons and surroundings around us!”

23) “If we really taste the Agape love of the Lord Jesus, we tend to tell Him, ‘Why do You love such an undeserving, wretched sinner like me so much, Lord?’ ”

24) “Is there anything more delightful to the heart of the Lord than one of His children so taken up with Him that he/she rejoices in Him alone and desires nothing and no one else?!!!.....”

25) “It is a person full of gratitude for the Lord for His undeserving mercy, compassion and grace, who will always seek to bring delight to the Lord through his/her life.”

26) “Even after the most wonderful spiritual experience, if we lose our sweet communion with Jesus, we will soon become dry!”

27) “We can always sympathize and have compassion with those who do not have the light we have and cannot agree with us, because, if they are not the children of God, they are spiritually blind, and if they are children of God, they might be spiritually short-sighted or they might have some ‘blind areas’ in their ‘spiritual visual fields’ that they are not able to see the things we see clearly!!”

28) “Instead of just asking the Lord to cleanse our unChristlikeness every time, also tell Him to reveal how exactly He would have behaved in such and such a situation so that we can follow Him like that in future.”

29) “Nothing or no one can shake a person who is living in living contact with the Lord Jesus, because he becomes humbler and humbler as he walks with the Lord and thus receives grace upon grace increasingly (John 1:16; James 4:6)”.

30) “Both Jesus and the devil will point to us the sins in us and in others, but there is as much difference in the manner each one does it, as there is between heaven and hell!
When the Lord points out a sin us, it brings deep conviction, but tremendous encouragement and hope that we can cleanse, correct and overcome it! But when the devil points out a sin in us, it brings only condemnation and discouragement and despair…..
When the Lord points out a sin of other person to us, we always seek to sympathize with and intercede for him/her, and if the Lord prompts us, to lovingly correct him/her also! But when the devil points out a sin of other person to us, he will always tempt us to look down upon, accuse and criticize him/her. Whose co-workers do we want to be…….?!!!


I Follow No Religion At All

I Follow No Religion At All

My very dear friend,

Being born in a Hindu family, when I say that I now follow Jesus Christ, most people think that I changed my religion. But it is not that I left one religion and joined another. In fact, I follow no religion at all! I follow my beloved loving Lord Jesus Christ, who is so real and intimate and personal to me, who is portrayed in the pages of the Bible, who divided history into BC and AD, and who was crucified for my sins and rose up on the 3rd day, who said, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can come to the Father except through Me” (John. 14: 6), and who is going to come again according to the exact fulfillment of Biblical prophecies.

I do not follow the so-called ‘Christian’ religion you see today, which is corrupt with innumerous nauseating traditions, as any other religion. Beyond all ‘Christian’ traditions and rituals, if one goes purely into the Word of God (the Bible), one can easily understand that the Lord Jesus Christ has founded no religion at all. He had a number of followers committed to Him in repentance and faith. Afterwards these followers proclaimed to others of the transforming power of their Saviour in any person’s life, if he repents of his sins and commits his life to Jesus. Thus more and more people were added to their fellowship.

But history tells us that Christianity degenerated into a religion only after AD 300, when the Roman emperor Constantine accepted Christianity as a religion without any repentance, and the people of his empire imitated him in order to please him, thereby beginning to bring numerous nauseating traditions and rituals (in “Christian whitewash”), which are not at all found in the Bible.

But throughout all these centuries, there has been a small remnant of people scattered all over the earth, who follow Jesus in true repentance and faith according to the Bible. And they alone are ‘Christians’ in God’s sight. So now there is no real question of religious conversion on the basis of material benefits, since the Bible itself is totally against that.

But all over the world, everyone (irrespective of their religion) who truly repents of his sins from the heart and entrusts his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, believing that it was for “my” sins that Jesus died on the Cross, is sure to experience true joy and peace unlike what he has experienced ever before, because he has now come in touch with the only true and living God. Yes, real Christianity is not a religion at all, but a way of life – a real day- to-day love- relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Bible itself says that when Jesus comes again He will surely judge those who made money in the name of religion and God (Revelation 17 & 18).

All religions including the so-called ‘Christianity’ today say that we must do good works and be holy in order to reach God. But Jesus alone says that we are incapable in ourselves to do goodness unselfishly and to be totally holy within, because we are lost in sin. If we are just honest to ourselves, we all have deliberately and indeliberately proved unfaithful to our conscience in attitudes, motives, thoughts, words and deeds. It is our punishment of eternal hell-fire for these sins, which Jesus, out of love for us, bore on the Cross of Calvary, believing which and repenting of our sins, we can enjoy eternal life with Him!

My dear friend, I am not at all here for any debates or arguments. It is simply a waste of time, because one can realize one’s need for a Redeemer only when one becomes honest before the omniscient Creator God that one is lost in sin. No argument can accomplish this. I do not want to offend anyone’s sentiments deliberately!

But I am always glad to answer any genuine question from a seeking heart. “And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29: 13)! May God bless you richly!!!